
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

A few days ago we went to a new care point in Mankayane Swaziland to do profiles of the kids and give them some clothes.  It was Mother’s Day.  It was a hard day for me because just a few weeks ago myMother passed away.  I am a single orphan.  I found that even at 46 years old, you are never ready to lose your Mother.  You are never ready to become an orphan.  I should be celebrating the fact that I had a wonderful mother for all of these years to do the things a mother does.  However, I miss my mom.  It doesn’t matter how old you are or how much time you had together, when your mom is gone, you miss her!  No one should ever have to be an orphan.

So, at the care point, as I watched the children come through to fill out profile forms, have pictures made, recieve clothes and a few sweets, I figured most of them probably had no idea that it was Mother’s Day.  You see, most of these kids don’t have mothers that are still alive.  The one’s whose mother’s are still alive probably don’t get to see them more than once a month and some even up to once a year because their mothers have to go find a job to have a little income for their families.  There is an entire generation of Swazi kids growing up without mothers!  Orphans!  Many of them double orphans!  Who holds them?  Who comforts them?  Who tells them “I Love You”?  Who tells them God loves them?  Who tells them they are proud of them?  Who holds them?  Who hugs them?  Who reads to them?  Who teaches them right from wrong?  Who sings to them?  Who fights for them?  Who bathes them?  Who clothes them?  Who tucks them into their beds at night?  Who tells them stories?  Who takes them to school?  The list goes on and on and on.  Think back to as early as you can remember, think of all the things your mother has done for you from the time you were born until right now.  How would you have made it to this point in your life without a mother?  How about without a mother or a father?  

Tonight, as I go to sleep, there are over 150,000 children in Swaziland that areorphans.  That is over 10% of the entire population of Swaziland!  Tonight there are 150,000 children in Swaziland who will never know a mother’s love.  Tonight there are 150,000 children in Swaziland that will not have had the chance to tell their mother “Happy Mother’s Day” or “I Love You Mom”!

Tonight, as you go to sleep, if you haven’t done it already, tell your mom you love her and thank her for what she has done for you throughout your life.  Also, if you will, pray for the orphans of Swaziland.  This is why my family moved here.  God has called us to minister to the many orphans of Swaziland.  It is a huge task because there are so many but God is faithful.  Pray for us and please ask God if there is some part in the life of an orphan in Swaziland He would have you play.  If you feel God would have you involved with orphans in Swaziland but don’t know how or what to do, please contact us.  We can help you get plugged in and caring for “The least of these.”   God doesn’t call everyone to move their family to a third world country to loveon orphans.  He is however very clearin scripture on the value He places on them and how all children of His should be involved in helping “The Least of These”!  

Thanks Mom!   




  1. Thanks for this Steve. You are right about missing mothers – I missed mine this past mothers day too. Thanks for all you do on behalf of the Swazi orphans.

  2. Love this about you, Stevo! So happy you guys are there. While we miss y’all so much, I know you all are doing a great work. We do pray every day for you guys and the folks you work alongside as well as all the people of Swaziland. Awesome job, Brother!

  3. Wow!!! SO powerful Steve! Thank you so much for sharing your heart, for doing the work of the Lord, by being His hands & feet, and a ‘physical’ father to the children of Swaziland!!! Blessings to you, Amy, & the girls! 🙂

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