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You know how you have those seasons in life where it seems like you are on a roller coaster?  Lots of highs and lots of lows, not necessarily much level ground?   That could describe the last few months of our life.  And honestly, right now, it feels like the “lows” are winning.  Not that there have been more of them, but more like they are overwhelming us with their intensity.


Sickness: from basic colds and stomach bugs to a week long hospitalization for Mumu, ongoing treatment leading up to surgery for Maggie’s elbow, and chronic health concerns for several of us.  It’s just been draining– physically, emotionally and financially.  

Loss:  although it is a pretty steady occurrence in missionary life, saying “goodbye” never seems to get any easier.  Coming back to Swaziland after our furlough earlier in the year was especially tough for me (Amy) as it reminded me of the loss of time with Katie, my Mom and sisters and dear friends and family….saying “goodbye” to relationships from that side of the ocean has been harder to handle than before.  And we have said “goodbye” to several dear friends from here too.  It hurts.

Betrayal:  recent revelations of betrayal by those we thought were trusted friends has cut deep.  Times of wondering “is it worth it?”, “who CAN we trust?”, “are we brave enough to try again?” can wear you down after a while.

Death:  several of our staff members and carepoint kids have lost close family members over the last few months and we have done our best to grieve along with them.  But this past week we unexpectedly lost one of our very own Swazi staff.  Welile was a well-loved shepherd at Mkhombokati care point, where she attended as a child.  This loss has hit us all hard.  Please pray for us as we help facilitate the grieving process among staff and the children from the care point where she served.


Please don’t misunderstand me to say that there haven’t been “highs”.  And always, always, God’s faithful presence and comfort.   

He has sent several dear friends on short term teams so that we got to spend great time together here in Swaziland, showing them our new home and why we love it so much here, and getting to watch them develop a vision for the ministry that is ongoing in this beautiful country with these amazing people.

We have had the opportunity to “foster” an 18 month old little girl named Lisa and she has definitely kept us laughing.  Maggie and Ellie have accepted almost all the responsibility for caring for her which has made it pretty easy on me and Steve and also made us so proud of their patience and perseverance in caring for a toddler!  It’s a pretty extraordinary thing for two teenagers to willingly volunteer to care for a baby and all that entails.

We were able to purchase a vehicle for visiting the children in Labaligugu, our ministry to children with disabilities.  Thanks to the generous donation of friends in the States, we bought a Nissan Hardbody four door truck with a cover.  This will allow Sibongile to get out to the most remote homesteads and load up kids, moms and wheelchairs to take them to therapy or doctor’s visits, or just to do a homevisit and deliver food or diapers.  We are so, so thankful to those of you who have invested in Labaligugu.  We also were visited by a physical therapist and a massage therapist who visited 12 different children and were able to teach their caregivers and Sibongile how best to work with the children to increase their strength and abilities.

God continues to comfort and bless us.  Thank you for your prayers and financial support.  We know we are loved and we appreciate you so much.